Spring through Fall practice location: (May - September) - For the East Kingdom
Practice is held every Wednesday evening from 8pm-10pm and we are conveniently located 2 minutes off of the Garden State Parkway at the Toms River Bus Station Parking Lot.
Find your best route to Garden State Parkway Southbound and proceed to exit 81. The exit ramp makes a hard right hand turn and ends up just after a traffic light. This will put you onto Main Street. Go up 2 lights ( Do Not include the light at the exit ramp) and make a Right at the second light. The parking lot is up on the left. You can't miss us.
Find your best route to Garden State Parkway Northbound and proceed to exit 81. Proceed up to the exit SLOW. It makes a very hard right hand turn. About 100 yards you will proceed through an intersection and merge onto the main road. Go to the first light and make a Right. The parking lot is up on the Left. You can't miss us.
Please Contact the Bloodguard representative if you need more detailed directions.
Winter practice location: (October - April)
Practice is held every Wednesday evening from 7pm-11pm at the Toms River South High School.
We meet in the main building cafeteria. (First Bldg on left with all of the doors)
Practice information for Northsheild - Please contact Prince Lars via e-mail
This site is open to all if you would like to come and participate with us or sit and chat.
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